The Municipal Engineering Company, Ltd. - PIK is a commercial company, registered at the District Court for Katowice. The company has been operating since 1st January 1995. The owner of all its shares is the Commune of Pszczyna. The Company was established in order to satisfy the collective needs of Pszczyna’s residents for distributed heating, water, sewage collection and treatment, waste management and other municipal services.

In our work:

  • We are quick and reliable
  • We following clear rules
  • We use professional and original methods

We are:

  • professional - we know how to operate to achieve the best results at the lowest costs
  • creative - our services are tailored to the needs of our customers
  • flexible - we carefully listen to the needs of each customer
  • experienced - we have been on the market for several years now offering services to individual customers as well as small and medium-sized businesses

Professionalism is a feature of our company that is visible at each stage of our contacts with the Customer, starting with the initial offer presentation, followed by the provision of the services ordered and then continued with the complex professional after-sale services.